
St. Thomas’ Primary School holds the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility.  Central to the mission of the School is an unequivocal commitment to fostering the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of children and young people and providing them with a safe, supportive and enriching environment to develop spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially.

St. Thomas’ School staff, volunteers and external contractors are expected to actively contribute to a school culture that respects the dignity of its members and affirms the Gospel values of love, care for others, compassion and justice.  They are required to observe child safe principles and expectations for appropriate behavior towards and in the company of children.


Child safety is everyone’s responsibility.  Adults at school must listen and respond to concerns about child abuse. If you suspect abuse of any child or young person, you have a responsibility to report it, even if you are not sure.


Miss. Airlee Cole has been appointed as Child Safety Officer with specific responsibility for responding to any complaints made by staff, volunteers, parents or students in relation to Child Safety.

Contact: 5592 1925

Email: acole@stterang.catholic.edu.au


Below you will find the procedures that St. Thomas’ School follows to ensure that all students in our care are safe, included and able to thrive.