Term 1 Week 9 St Thomas' Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Girai Wurrung people of the land on which we live and learn. We recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay respects to elders, past, present and emerging.

From the Principal

We were able to complete our school Cross Country today at the Noorat Rec Reserve. It was nice to see a number of families come out to support the students. A special thank you to Matt Clarke who mowed the track for us - we greatly appreciate this.
We have school photos tomorrow. This will happen in the morning between 9am and 11am.
Our Grade 5/6 students will do a 'Taster Day' at MRC Camperdown campus this week as well.
Also, we have our Parent/Teacher Interviews this week (tonight and Wednesday).
Lots happening as Term 1 draws to a close.
Enjoy the remainder of the week
Matt Uzkuraitis
ASSEMBLY: There will be no assembly this week as our Grade 5/6 students will be at a transition day. We will however have an assembly on the last day of term at 9am. This is where we will do awards, the preps will share a song and we will draw our Easter Raffle prizes.
SCHOOL CANTEEN: Our school canteen is operating at a lunchtime - this is run by our senior students. We have the following items:
- Fruit Tubes: 70cents
- Fruit Boxes: $1
The canteen will operate most lunchtimes unless stated otherwise.
SAUSAGE AND JUICE DAY: Sausage and Juice forms need to be handed back as soon as possible.
LAST DAY OF TERM: A reminder that next Friday 4th April is the last day of Term 1. We will finish at 2:30pm on this day. Buses will also leave at this time.
REGIONAL SWIMMERS: Good luck to Matilda, Harriet, Georgina, Annabelle and Summer who will compete at the Regional Swimming competition this Wednesday. Good Luck.
P&F Easter Raffle

As has been tradition at St Thomas', the P&F run an Easter Raffle. We are asking each family to donate an item which can be collated into raffle prizes. Ideas for donations can include anything Easter themed, generally Easter Eggs, however feel free to think outside the box! Donations can be brought to the office.
The P&F ask that the donations are brought into the school by no later than Tuesday 1st April. Each family will receive some raffle tickets to sell. These were given to the eldest in the family today - we do ask that you check your child's bag for these.
We will draw the raffle prizes on the last day of Term 1 at an assembly.
School Photos

We have our school photos tomorrow Tuesday 25th March. We would like to the students to be wearing their summer uniform on this day.
For the students in Grade 3-6, you are able to bring your PE uniform to change into once the photos have been completed.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent/Teacher interviews commence tonight. We will also have them on Wednesday 26th March as well. These interviews will happen after school and will be for 10mins in your child's classroom. A timetable on PAM has been released. This is where you will be able to select an appropriate time to come and speak with your child/ren’s teacher/s.
Last Day of Term 1

Next Friday 4th April is the last day of Term 1. The Junior School Council met early this month to discuss fundraising ideas along with what we might be able to do on the last day of Term 1. It has been decided that on the last day of term students can 'wear their favourite colour' to school. That is, if your favourite colour is pink or green or red or any colour that you can come dressed in this colour. We ask that their is a gold coin donation for this as the Junior School Council would like to purchase more equipment for the sand pit.
Awards - Week 7 and 8
Student Awards | Name | Term 1 Week 6/7 2025 |
PREP M | Eliza Anit Sebby Marshall Sophia Thomas & Kara McSween | For being a superstar learner! For being a super-learner and showing great improvement in literacy and numeracy! For being brave and independently carrying out her morning routine on arrival to school |
Gr 1K | Harry Gilmour Aila Messer Mary Magouliotis | Wonderful work in maths this week, and always staying on task. Writing an amazing recount of the Athletics Carnival. Setting a wonderful example for others by always being an active listener. |
Gr 2P | Paddy Tuckett Sophia Magouliotis Cassidy Meade | For stepping up to grade 2 and being a great leader. For consistently trying your best in all we do! For her improved work ethic and attitude. |
Gr 3S | Angus Selman Georgina Gubbins | For showing great leadership, well done Angus. For having a great attitude towards school. |
Gr 4/5B | Felix Harrison Jack Gilmour | For being an inclusive classmate. For being an engaged learner during maths. |
Gr 5/6C | Alfie Rickard Mary Heffernan Wilbur Reid | For creating interesting sentences during literacy. For being a thoughtful and caring buddy. For being an inquisitive learner. |
ART | Ruby Fidge Luka Jones Maddi Blair | For working SO hard to present beautiful artwork! For making a great start creating your surrealist art piece. For being so thoughtful and helpful in the art room. Thanks Maddi! |
PE | 1-Max O'Connor 2-Darren Libin 5/6B- Alfie Rickard | An amazing effort in AFL. Well done! A great start to n AFL. Fantastic! A great effort in AFL. Wonderful! |

Student Awards | Name | Term 1 Week 8 2025 |
PREP M | Ollie Thomas Ruby Fidge Kaizher Patrick | For his incredible reading efforts! For always doing her best! For his brilliant literacy efforts! |
Gr 1K | Max O’Connor Lani Jones Ellis Gowland Saoirse Klason | For making great choices in the classroom and in the playground. For staying focussed during our daily Sound Swaps activity. Wonderful writing efforts all week. For speaking clearly and projecting your voice. |
Gr 2P | Evie Kubala Lucas Rech Sadiccha Gautam | For working hard and to a high standard. For your excitement for learning new things. For always approaching your learning with a positive attitude. |
Gr 3S | Annabel Gilmour Fin Moloney | For great persuasive writing, awesome work. For writing an interesting persuasive story. |
Gr 4/5B | Pippa Irving Harriet Conheady | For working hard in all areas of your learning. Amazing effort this week Pippa! For working super hard in all areas. You have done an amazing job Harriet! |
Gr 5/6C | Jackson Irving Archer Gleeson | For being a caring and helpful classmate For consistently putting in effort in maths. |
ART | Zac Clarke, Archer Gleeson & Jackson Irving | For showing great initiative to keep the art room tidy. Thanks heaps guys!! |
AUSLAN | Jimmy Irving Daisy Dillon and Matilda Conheady | For your fantastic effort in fingerspelling your name. For being able to have a full and fluent conversation using Auslan. |
PE | F- Sophia 3- Maddi 5/6 Lahni | For an amazing effort in netball. Well done! For impressive netball skills. Amazing! For great leadership in netball. Fantastic! |
Other | Zac Clarke Layla Thornton | For completing Level B in MacLit |

Term 2 - Important Dates
Monday 21st April - Easter Monday (Public Holiday)
Tuesday 22nd April, Wednesday 23rd April and Thursday 24th April - SCHOOL CLOSURE DAYS
Friday 25th April - ANZAC DAY (Public Holiday)
Monday 28th April - First Day of Classes for Term 2 (Students Return)
Friday 2nd May - Division Athletics (Wbool)
Tuesday 6th May - District Cross Country
Friday 16th May - Division Cross Country
Monday 26th May - Start of Catholic Education Week
Friday 30th May - Grade 5/6 Tri Sports
Wednesday 4th June - Gr 3/4 AFL 9's
Monday 9th June - King's Bday Long Weekend (Public Holiday)
Monday 30th June - Gr 5/6 'Taster Day' at MRC Noorat
Friday 4th July - Last Day of Term 2
School TV
Special Report: Social Media and Comparison Culture
In today's hyper-connected world, young people are constantly exposed to carefully curated snapshots of other people's lives - from picture-perfect holidays and academic achievements to the latest fashion trends and fitness goals. This relentless stream of comparisons, often amplified through social media, creates what is known as comparison culture.
Comparison culture fosters a mindset where individuals constantly evaluate their own worth by measuring themselves against others. This leaves many young people feeling as though they're falling short. For children and adolescents who are still developing their sense of identity, this environment can be especially harmful - contributing to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt and anxiety.
It's important to understand how comparison culture shapes the way children see themselves and their place in the world. When young people constantly compare their appearance, achievements, or social lives to their peers or online influencers, they can develop unrealistic expectations and a distorted sense of self-worth. This can lead to low self-esteem, perfectionism, and a constant need for external validation.
However, through open conversations, positive role modelling, and proactive support, families can empower young people to build the resilience and confidence needed to navigate today's comparison-driven world. Encouraging an environment that values individuality, personal effort, and growth - rather than constant comparison or external validation - helps foster a stronger sense of self that allows young people to embrace their unique strengths and identity.
Child Safety Officer


Happy Birthday to the following students who celebrate a birthday this week:
Ellis Gowland
Sadiccha Gautam
Richard Li
Community Events