Term 1 Week 2 St Thomas' Newsletter
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Girai Wurrung people of the land on which we live and learn. We recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay respects to elders, past, present and emerging.

From the Principal

We have been very impressed with the way all students have started the year.We have been particularly impressed by our Grade 6 students and the level care and responsibility they are taking with their prep buddy.
Some warm weather has greeted us for the start of this week. Students have access to sunscreen at school however if your child requires their own type can this be labelled and handed to the classroom teacher.
Enjoy the remainder of the week.
Matt Uzkuraitis
ASSEMBLY: We will have our first assembly this week. Grade 5/6C will be sharing what they have been doing over the first few days on the year. Assembly will be at 2:45pm in the undercover area this Friday. All are invited to attend.
ART SMOCKS: Mrs Cavarsan is asking that all students have an art smock that can be brought in and kept at school. This does not need to be a bought shirt, it could be an old shirt, something that will provide suitable coverage and protection. Thanks in advance.
SCHOOL CANTEEN: Our school canteen is now operating at a lunchtime - this will be run by our senior students. We have the following items:
- Fruit Tubes: 70cents
- Fruit Boxes: $1
The canteen will operate most lunchtimes unless stated otherwise.
P&F Meeting
There is a P&F Meeting scheduled for next Tuesday 11th February at 7pm in the school Library. The main item for agenda will be the organisation for the Big Breakfast. All welcome to attend.
Grade 3-6 Swimming Carnival
Next Friday 14th February our Grade 3-6 students will be competing in our school swimming carnival with St Colman's Mortlake at the Mortlake Pool. Like in previous years, parent support is always greatly appreciated. If you are able to help out on the day please email Matt or Nicole on the emails below.
Music Position
Below is a link to our Music Position that we currently have advertised. Please forward this on to anyone you think maybe interested. The ad closes next Monday 10th February.
Drop off and Pick Up Procedures
Drop off and Pick Up procedures are as follows::
Drop Off- Parents are welcome to drop off at the normal time from 8.30am onwards. This is when we will have a staff member on duty to supervise students. Children can enter the school via the main entrance or the Bolivar Street doorway or the Playground doorway.
Pick Up- Children being picked up by parents or walking home will continue to do so. Children riding/ walking home will exit via the Bolivar Street doorway or the Playground doorway.
Parents collecting children by car are asked to park in the church car park and students will be supervised across the crossing. Parents are more than welcome to come into the undercover area to collect their child/ren at the end of the day.
School Communication
St. Thomas’ Primary School uses the following methods to assist you to stay informed:
Newsletter: the Newsletter will be published weekly on Mondays and is available on our website is distributed through our SZApp. The newsletter carries the bulk of our news and information about what is happening at St. Thomas’. It is the main way parents/ guardians can be informed about coming events, student and teacher achievements.
Parent Access Module (PAM): Your login and password allows confidential access to information about student attendance and absences, medical profiles and approving permission forms. If you are having trouble logging in to PAM, please contact the office. PAM can be accessed through our website or our SZApp.
SZApp: this school app is the simplest way to receive the newsletter, short messages, reminders, or emergency information direct to your mobile phone. It has links to our website, PAM, Google Calendar and more. The app can be downloaded free from either Apple App Store or Google Play. See the link below for instructions on how to download this app. It is strongly recommended that families download this app.
Facebook: We have a Facebook Page which allows us to share many of the wonderful stories about what’s happening at our school including individual and team achievements.
Term 1 2025 Important Dates
TERM 1 2025
Friday 14th February - Grade 3-6 Swimming Carnival at Mortlake Swimming Pool
Tuesday 4th March - Big Breakfast
Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday
Friday 7th March - St Thomas' P-6 Athletics Carnival at Terang Rec Reserve
Monday 10th March - PUBLIC HOLIDAY
Tuesday 25th March - School Photos
Friday 4th April - Last Day of Term 1
School TV
What is School TV?
Because parenting doesn’t come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that can support you in the challenges relating to modern-day parenting.
This award-winning resource helps build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It can assist in starting conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle.
SchoolTV topics are conveniently arranged into a number of series. Topics feature interviews with leading youth wellbeing experts and researchers from around the world offering hours of relevant and practical information. Additionally, each topic includes a compilation of related resources from key organisations providing a comprehensive stream of content. Resources include informative fact sheets, articles, apps, books, podcasts, websites, and other videos - all related to a single topic, in one place for easy access!
As a school we will highlight particular areas we see relevant and through this newsletter we will have a direct link to themes and topics.
School TV can be located on our school website or through our SZApp. There is also a link below that will take you straight to our page. So feel free to click on the link and have look at some of the topics School TV has to offer.

Happy Birthday to the following students who celebrate a birthday this week:
Ella Tebble
Zander Williams
Community Events